Our intentions and attitude to work

“The chance only happens once! Always take advantage of opportunities”

“We always fight to the end – you have to be active”
“Whoever plays will win”
“A day of worthless is a day wasted”
“It is not the events that stress us, but how we perceive and interpret them”
“Das BOOT”
“Life as a consultant is hard”
“When things get worse, you have to risk more”
“Race against time – when I have little time I run faster”

“Thunder soldiers”

“The only thing that is certain in life is change”

“No fame without risk”
“You have some successes”
“What happened yesterday cannot affect what is happening today”
“The chance only happens once! Always take advantage of opportunities”

“Das BOOT”

“Thunder soldiers”

“A day of worthless is a day wasted”
“Whoever plays will win”
“We always fight to the end – you have to be active”
“When things get worse, you have to risk more”

“It is not the events that stress us, but how we perceive and interpret them”

“Life as a consultant is hard”
“Race against time – when I have little time I run faster”
“The only thing that is certain in life is change”
“No fame without risk”
“What happened yesterday cannot affect what is happening today”
“You have some successes”
“The chance only happens once! Always take advantage of opportunities”

“Das BOOT”

“Thunder soldiers”

“A day of worthless is a day wasted”
“Whoever plays will win”
“We always fight to the end – you have to be active”
“When things get worse, you have to risk more”

“It is not the events that stress us, but how we perceive and interpret them”

“Life as a consultant is hard”
“Race against time – when I have little time I run faster”
“The only thing that is certain in life is change”
“No fame without risk”
“What happened yesterday cannot affect what is happening today”
“You have some successes”