OTTIMA plus has a number of written references confirming the company’s professionalism and its great experience.
References available on request: marketing@ottima-plus.com.pl
Selected opinions of our clients
"Excellent orientation towards teaching theoretical and practical skills. The company perfectly combines scientific interests with the experience of business practice ”
Grzegorz Waszak
CLIP Poznań II Sp. z o.o.
“OTTIMA plus is a modern and flexible approach to the current market needs. The creative approach of the Management Board is a guarantee of solving every problem. OTTIMA Plus is a company of the 21st century ”.
Radosław Turbak
Kolprem Sp. z o.o.
"OTTIMA plus is a reliable company whose initiatives enable railway companies to exchange experiences and implement solutions to increase the competitiveness of rail transport, while maintaining the highest safety standards."
Łukasz Lubera
PKP Cargo S.A.
"OTTIMA plus is associated with modernity, freshness and sometimes too scientific approach to railway matters."
Artur Jóźwik
Cemet S.A.
"OTTIMA Plus Sp. z o.o. as a trustworthy and effective partner in business, with experienced experts in the field of rail transport and management systems, it is a leading consulting company on the market in the field of business consulting, with which cooperation increases the efficiency and quality in the management of Polish enterprises ”.
Barbara Szeligowska
Łódzka kolej Aglomeracyjna Sp. z o.o.
“We perceive the company very positively. It is associated with the integration of the environment related to logistics, especially railway logistics, at various levels, starting from executive units, through managing and regulating units, and ending with the scientific community. Professional and interesting conducting of information and training meetings as well as expert studies ”.
Jarosław Tarasiuk
PKP CARGO Centrum Logistyczne Małaszewicze Sp. z o.o.
„The company is alert to changes taking place in the areas of business management in the rail transport market. A company that actively cooperates and supports railway companies with legal and professional knowledge necessary to conduct railway operations. A company worth working with. An experienced, reliable and innovative, advisory and creative company. Partner and supporting company.”
Edmund Pomieczyński
Colas Rail Polska sp. z o.o.
“A company with very large competences in the railway industry, widely integrating companies operating in this industry. Topically good meetings / conferences, great integration events 🙂 From our perspective, you are a very good kind of platform for exchanging information about news on the railway market, you do not limit yourself to a narrow railway group (such as the Chamber for the Railways), which can be seen by the participants conferences from a very wide range of companies ”.
Tomasz Buff
Petrosoft.pl Technologie