Ottima-plus > Vocational Training Center in Rail Transport
We organize courses and trainings as well as other extracurricular forms of education, training and development of adults. Our extensive vocational training offer is a guarantee of new opportunities on the labor market.
– Qualification course for a train driver’s license and a train driver’s certificate.
– Introductory course for candidates to become a safety advisor for the carriage of dangerous goods by rail.
– Course for advisers (recertification) on safety in the field of rail transport of dangerous goods.
– Periodic instructions for employees working in positions directly related to the operation and safety of railway traffic.
– Periodic examinations.
– Health and safety training for workers employed in blue-collar positions.
– Health and safety training for administrative and office employees.
– Health and safety training for employees and other people managing employees.
– First aid training. – SEP G1, G2, G3 courses with an exam. – Course for operators of industrial trucks, category I WJO
– Course for operators of industrial trucks, category II WJO
– Course for operators of cranes controlled from the working level, category II S
– Course for operators of cranes controlled from the working or cabin level, category I S
Contact: szkolenia@ottima-plus.com.pl
OTTIMA plus conducts periodic instructions in accordance with the REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT of February 10, 2014 on the train driver’s certificate.
According to the ordinance, periodic instructions are carried out at least three times a year.
We conduct classes under periodic training in groups of up to 25 drivers.
The scope of periodic instructions covers at least the following topics:
1) basic legal acts and internal regulations concerning work as a train driver and the changes introduced therein;
2) discussion of railway events that have occurred, indicating the causes, effects and remedial measures taken;
3) issues related to the activities performed as a driver, including matters of discipline and work safety, conduct in railway traffic in standard and extraordinary situations and the safety management system.
Contact: Edukacja@ottima-plus.com.pl
Training goal:
– The aim of the training is to prepare candidates for obtaining a train driver’s license,
– During the training, participants gain knowledge in the field of:
– Railway technology, including safety and operation rules,
– operational hazards and the various measures used to combat them,
– Methods of railway operation,
– Trains, their compositions and technical requirements for multiple units, passenger and freight carriages and other types of rolling stock.
General professional knowledge:
After completing the training, the applicant for a train driver’s license should:
– Understand the specific requirements of practicing as a driver,
– Know and be able to apply the applicable safety regulations,
– recognize rolling stock,
– Know and be able to apply the rules of work,
– Know and be able to use the applicable documents, including the manual of procedures and the line manual as defined in the Technical Specifications for Interoperability “Railway Traffic”, the driver’s manual and the emergency procedure,
– Know and be able to apply the procedures applicable to accidents involving people,
– identify hazards related to the operation of the railway,
– Know and be able to apply the rules governing traffic safety,
– Know and be able to apply the basic principles of electrical engineering
– Know and be able to follow the health and safety and fire protection rules,
– Know and be able to use train and emergency radio communication.
We inform about the starting date of the course on the website: www.ottimaplus-szkolenia.pl
Place of training:
Gallusa 12, 40-594 Katowice – theoretical training
CTL Maczki-Bór Spółka Akcyjna, Długa 90, 41-208 Sosnowiec – practical training
Requirements for participants:
Pursuant to the Act of March 28, 2003 on rail transport, a train driver’s license may be obtained by a person who:
– has not been punished for an intentional crime;
– is over 18 years old;
– has at least basic vocational education;
– meets the health, physical and mental requirements specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 22a paragraph. 11 point 2;
– completed training and passed the driving exam.
Do you have any questions?
Don’t wait, contact us. We are happy to talk to you and inform you about the starting dates of the next courses!
e-mail: edukacja@ottima-plus.com.pl;
tel. 668 894 572
Strona Internetowa Centrum Kompetencyjne OTTIMA Plus: https://ottimaplus-szkolenia.pl/